Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's been one week and one day HOME

     We brought Maggie back from China one week ago yesterday, and we are continuing to celebrate small milestones...
*Today she read a book and played in her room for the first time. She has been so fearful of that room.
*She has been playing on her own around the house more and more each day.
*She is becoming more relaxed when we are around "strangers" (although it is a good thing that she is attached to us)
*She SAT in the bathtub the other day for 5 minutes without crying. : ) We were having to have one of us hold her standing, while the other washed.
*She does fine with her car seat.
*She can give "high 5," blow kisses and give kisses.
*She learned what ketchup is today, and how good it is with CFA fries. : )

     There are so many new things for her. She felt the wind in her hair the other day and would take a deep breath in and giggle, while moving her hands through her hair. So sweet.
     When she sees her stroller she wants out of our arms and in that seat. She knows we are going somewhere!

On a medical note: We took her to the neurosurgeon in regards to her hydrocephalus and dw malformation (cyst at the base of her brain stem). She has what they call "massive hydrocephalus". She has about 3x the fluid on her brain that she should. It is his opinion that she will need two shunts to drain the fluid. One at the top of her skull and one lower. Those will drain the fluid and relieve pressure on her brain. However, our first step is to have an eye appointment on 4/3 to see if the eye doc can figure out how much pressure is on her brain; if not, she will have an MRI before placing the shunts. We will keep everyone updated.
     Matt and I have a peace about it all. Thank you for all the prayers and support!

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